Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday Image Blizzard












Debra She Who Seeks said...

When seated at the Longboat Table, do people eat with the same, shall we say, GUSTO as they did in the last episode of Vikings?

Kal said...

They do if they have a Swiffer.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

More like Image Downpour! I don't know what its like in your neck of the woods, but Michigan has had nothing but rain for two weeks! Thankfully you provide all the indoor entertainment that I could ever want with these kind of posts.

#1- The Autumn Avenger strikes again!

#3- Couldn't find a name for this guy, but I like his Golden Age Hero look.

#5-Plus sized women don't get enough praise. They're cute, great for cuddling and more fun to draw with curvy and flowing lines.

#17- This Jack Kirby Creation also has no name. Its an interesting costume choice to say the least. Pastel Colors, big sunglasses, DNA Helixs on his legs, a jagged cape, a pinwheel chest symbol and I don't know what kind of belt.

#31- Pink Racer learns that her butt is the most useful contribution to the Carrangers!