Wednesday, April 24, 2013

You Would Think The First Time He Didn't Get A Reply To His Mail He Would Figure It Out...

But apparently he thought the mail moved faster from this box because there was a dog on it. Why wouldn't the guys who come around to collect the dog shit let him know the mistake he was making? Were the letters mailed anyways by the poop collectors since the envelopes weren't really covered in that much dog crap? How did the old guy figure out his mistake and why did it take so long? I can ask questions like this all day long, people.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's the system they're going to replace Canada Post with, you know. The future is here!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Pet Waste receptacles must be something you see in areas with a higher population and more money to toss around, as I can't remember ever seeing a container for pet poo that was separate from an ordinary trash can.