Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Clockwork Game Kickstarter Project

I have seen a number of Kickstarter campaigns but Paul Sizer pointed me in the direction of his own wife's project, asking me if it was something I would be interested in promoting for her here at the Cave of Cool. I was flattered to be asked and since Paul had done some design work for me in the past, I thought I would help them out. I had only checked out a few Kickstarter presentations before but I was very impressed with her project and especially her presentation which you can see HERE.

Jane Irwin (my talented and lovely wife) has just launched her Kickstarter campaign for the publication of her newest graphic novel, CLOCKWORK GAME. It's a massive historical fiction work chronicling the life of "The Turk", a mechanical marvel that played chess against the best players in the world and confounded audiences for nearly 80 years as to how a machine could accomplish this astounding feat. Jane has done a ton of research work on this project, and worked for nearly 5 years to bring this story to life. And it looks terrific!

Now she's looking to you to help bring this epic work to publication. Follow the link below to find her newly started Kickstarter campaign page, watch the video, and help support this amazing project. I'm proud of her work on this book, and I think you'll agree it's a major step up in Jane's storytelling and artwork abilities, and a story that will amaze and engage comics fans and first time readers alike.
Thanks for your time, and enjoy your first look at CLOCKWORK GAME! It's your move.

I had just been reading about The Turk in my beloved Strange Stories, Amazing Facts and the idea of a graphic novel about this strange automaton appealed to me. I liked that she first offered the whole novel for free by going HERE. I didn't have to contribute but I was so impressed with Jane's effort (especially her extensive research) that I donated some dollars myself to get my own version of the trade paperback when it comes out. I feel good about supporting a genre of literature that I collect and know a lot about - the graphic novel.

(click to enlarge)
You can read more about this automaton by following the link below. I found it to be a great companion piece to the story that Jane Irwin has created.


j-swin said...

like the cyberman on doctor who

j-swin said...

like the cyberman on doctor who

Paul Sizer said...

Thanks for the signal boost, Cal! You are a gentleman and a scholar!