Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Comic Panels Of The Day - Indestructable Hulk



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

If any other big names in the Marvel U were worthy of holding Thor's hammer I would have thought Captain America or Spider-Man would have been prime candidates given their humility and selflessness.

Kal said...

Captain America did pick it up once. I am sure Spider-Man could too - he's got the right stuff. But up until now only Cap and Beta Ray Bill have been able to life it beyond Thor.

Jordan said...

One of my favorite moments in The Avengers was when the Hulk couldn't pick up the hammer. I loved how his feet just kept grinding into the floor...and he was so puzzled. "It's only a foot long; what the hell is the problem?"

Kal said...

The Hulk was the best part of the Avengers movie. They got him right for once.

Then they made that Agents of SMASH cartoon which is unwatchable.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

i've enjoyed the Indestructible Hulk, especially these Simonson issues