Thursday, September 17, 2015

I Just Want You To Watch This For The Idiotic NON ANSWER That Trump Gives

He answers his questions with so little facts or opinions that this can barely be called an answer. Trump is just moving his lips and words are coming out. And he is cheered by the idiot masses who deserve the chaos this ego maniac would bring to Washington. You think the Black Muslim Socialist you got now is bad? Wait until Trump learns all the ways he can fuck with people he doesn't like with the power of the Presidency behind him. But don't worry, Trump supporter. He will magically change things so that only America is prosperous and only people without color succeed. Just like Jeebus said it should be in the Bible. He was white too - Jesus I mean. And he was an American. True story. Donald Trump himself told me so.

"We are gonna be looking at a lot of different things and a lot of people are saying that and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there and we are gonna be looking at that and plenty of other things.

I could write in the exact same nonsensical style and make anything sound real. Actually my answer is better. At least I commit to something. On day one of the CALVIN administration there will not be a single werewolf left on American soil. THIS I PROMISE YOU!

"Yes, and a lot of people are saying that the streets are filled with werewolves and a lot of people are saying that this is a bad thing and that without silver bullets that most people will not be able to defend themselves against these werewolves but we have people who are going to be looking into this werewolf problem and many other bad things."



DrGoat said...

I just don't have the time or inclination to pay any attention
to those morons anymore. Now they're trying to shut down the
government over Planned Parenthood. We are doomed as long as
this kind of mentality exists in our society today. Makes me
sad and angry.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Such a non-issue. Still fighting last century's battles. How does it not make you insane. I guess we really do get the world we deserve.

DrGoat said...

Actually some of us deserve better but when you have so many
idiots everywhere it's hard to make any progress. Ignorance likes
to impede progress, since they can't understand it. Yeah, makes
me insane but after a while you just get tired of fighting it.