Friday, September 18, 2015

Tell Me The Truth



j-swin said...

get your heads out of your asses and play nice.

Dr. Theda said...

You Humans do Not deserve to Exist... Look at what you have done to this Planet (All in the Name of "Greed"...!!!!!)... Die and become "Fertilizer"...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

subtle but I asked for anything so anything is great and accepted around hear. I personally want death for my enemies and those who no longer deserve to live because they have hurt too many other people. Thunderdome the whole Hillbilly and Bully class - regardless of who they are. I have a specific hated of the strong preying on the weak. I was always the strong so I found for the week anytimes. I love when people tell me stories of those actions that I have forgotten about.