Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Not A Calvin In The Bunch



jester59388 said...

Dear yesimsalty: WRONG. My parents just wanted me to be names after someone they cared about instead of a soap opera character or some made-up nonsense that no one can pronounce or spell because it's spelled like a Rob Liefeld character. In sum -- they loved me enough to not embarrass me but giving me a stupid name or make my life difficult my having to spell and/or pronounce my first name EVERY time. My last name is bad enough on that score. Just ask the kid I know whose name was Tweetybird. Bet you won't find that one on a Coke bottle either, dumbass. (And yes, his brother's name WAS Sylvester. Poor kids. Imagine having to go through childhood and adolescence that way.)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Calvin is a great name though but I can never find anything with my name on.

DrGoat said...

Originally, my parents were going to name me Guido. Seriously. Thank god my grandmother intervened. My last name is bad enough too. You wouldn't believe what I get from people trying to pronounce it.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

If you were a Guido you would be in those curly cowboy boots. I just know it.

DrGoat said...

That's Mexican. I'm Italian. We wear fancy pin striped suits and fedoras.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Why do I see you in those boots then? Don Guido? Yeh, that works for me.