In the end. 15 dead and14 insured, some critically. Think of the survivors trying to help their friends if you even coud due to their own injuries. Think of the ones who didn't die on impact but lingers for a bit in fear.? And what about the one who were not hurt at all. When does their survivor's guilt start to kick in. This is horrific in ways I could never describe fully. So many people were affected locally by this accident but now that the Nation knows, Canadians can thing of nothing else this Sunday.
There is not a single person in Canada that can't react to this crash by thinking that they themselves could have been is such a tradgedy during their lives because we ALL without question took a bus with a team or a group full of our friends or teammates or classmates or fellow muscicians or cadets or athletes in a dozen sports. We all road a bus to play a game on roads filled with other cars and large Big Rigs that barely has enough room on the road for their massive trucks.
Often we drove overknight so we could sleep and often we drove in weather that made the roads dangerous to transverse. This is one of those things that we will never forget because in another reality this is all of us. We were all on the bus at the time of the crash.
The tiny town of Humbbolt will never forgot and neigher should any of us because going to anotyher place with your teemmates to play a game is a right of passage in Western Canada and I suggest around the World. All you can do before they get on the bus is to hug your kid close, you GOOD kid, your kid who is involved in something that makes their life worthwhile and teaches them those important life lessns that all kids need to know. I was a cub, a scout and an air cadet so I know what doing awesome things with your best friends fees like. I now can only thank the Gods that I was spared such a devistating tragedy.
Cal, being The black Panther fan that you are have you seen this yet?
A terrible tragedy for all concerned.
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