Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Wednesdays With Wonder Woman




Tim Knight said...

Another wonderful collection!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I just rented "Justice League" last week. I enjoyed its depiction of WW, but the critics are right -- the Amazons were wearing a lot fewer clothes in this movie directed by a man than in the WW movie directed by a woman. I didn't like that.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's disturbing when it's so blatant. Like, did one P.A. suggest that maybe we have Patty come in and do those parts because....well, she gets it and would it KILL US to have some continuity?? Gal is amazing and holds that movie together with Flash and Aquaman and frankly everyone else but Batman. I don't know why but I have yet to see a Batman that hits all the buttons for me. The animated Batman is great. But I like Justice League too though I hated the dark effects.