Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Why Do I Now Crave Sweets, Chocolate, Soda and Alcohol?

I have pineapples, apples slices and chocolate sauce. That is okay, right? And I like bananas cut into my cereal and my ice cream and nothing is better than covering tangerine slices in chocolate sauce and putting them in the fridge to harden. I miss being a teacher when I would have the kids make Christmas chocolates for their families and friend in the week before Christmas. We had the molds and colored chocolate wafers and once the kids get going they can get very creative. We also made Turtles and caramel filled Santas (that was great out of the freezer because you never expected the caramel). And these Junior High kids perfected it because they knew the trick (two different molds that are then put together like a coffin which keeps the caramel in the Santa.

1 comment:

DrGoat said...

Nice job Cal. I'll bet they still remember that too. Teachers can be
changing forces in a kid growing up. I still remember my fifth grade teacher Mr. Reilly. He helped me make a giant diorama for the Christmas thing we had in grade school. He wore a safari hat and was very cool.
Gotta say, cheese is good but not a substitute for soda. Now cheese and soda sounds pretty good right now.