Thursday, March 7, 2019

Fresh Eggs Episode Three

MD Jackson and I were very fortunate to get an interview with Nick Ward, the writer and creator of Fresh Eggs, for the Cave of Cool podcast. He tells great stories about how his dark satire got on the air along with fun anecdotes about some of the actors he was able to get to do the project. It's his baby, his love letter to humanity and it was terrific to get to talk to him. I love the show and to get the chance to talk to my friend about it was a treat for me.

You will be able to hear the full interview very soon but for now lets talk about episode three of Fresh Eggs.

If you remember the last time we left them, Wade and Penny had lost one body not quite dead yet and found another body very much dead. Just when we think their problems might be over those problems grow exponentially as the series of unfortunate events continue to plague these 'really good people'. I am rooting for them and their remarkable ability to stay one step ahead of the consequences for their totally accidental and unintentional bad acts. Well mostly accidental and unintentional. Just don't attached to anyone.

More characters get introduced to replace the characters that died and yes, more characters die. It's like they are catching death like kids in a school catch the flu every year.

I find myself laughing at the most inappropriate things. It's not spoiling anything to say there is a death of an old man that only gets creepier and funnier the closer it's examined. Another moment when I spit my Pepsi at the monitor screen.

Just when I think the show won't 'go there', it 'goes there and then some'. Nick pushes the edge between humor and bad taste and it's amazing how 'normal' he makes the madness. Soon even the audience forgets what normal really means and that is how you get hooked.

It's also fun to keep up with the all the issues that really motivate these characters. It's how people deal with massive disruptions in their lives that energizes this whole dark fable. Everyone is wallowing in their own self interest. And they are trying to convince everyone around them that they are right and of course everyone is just misinformed enough to give me hope that our nice couple can get themselves out of this pickle they are in.

Why did Cyril not attack the Quiet One? I hear that it was professional courtesy but how is any person so evil as that black pony of the devil is?

Okay, the last five seconds of episode three was a magnificent way to do a cliffhanger. No binging on this one, bitches. YOU MUST WAIT a week like in the old days.

This is appointment TV for you kids out there who only know how to binge on your documentaries about perverts and your Honey Boo Boo marathons. This is everything you love about those shows but with a more impressive body count. I think we are up to five now, maybe six dead and that will only rise - Nick has personally assured me of that.

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