Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday Image Blizzard


j-swin said...

I need your help, Cal. I remember a 90’s action figure line of monster girls with a rock n roll theme. There were 3 or 4, a bride of frankenstein, a vampire girl, maybe a devil girl. They all had music instruments and their own color palette ( the bride was green, devil was pink, etc.). They were definitely for a mature audience, a lot like that hot rod artist Coop. Does this ring any bells?

Tim Knight said...

Have you solved your image conundrum then?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

No, I cannot just collect imagine from everywhere, do a post from those collctions. Now I have twenty themes working at the same time in draft until the right picture comes along because I now can only post an image when I know it's original URL. It's very tedious and ruins my spontinaeity

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Jswim...let me consult one of my peeps - Diary of a Dorkette.

Count Robot said...

Wild Wild Planet is a blast. Fun movie.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

But is it worthy of so many WILDS?

Anonymous said...

Watch it!