Monday, July 5, 2021

Cosplay This Week


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lady Loki in a bikini!

MichaelVP said...

Hi, Cal! Sorry to bug you but that Scarlet Witch pic thrid from the top is mine. I fist posted it in 2012 on my tumblr -- Some jerk must have photoshopped my name off it and then typed over it Not cool. Not nice. Anyway! :) Just saying. Gotta protect the copyright! ha. Hope you are well in your new home! I'm still here every day!! thank you!!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks for telling me that. How should I credit it so I don't have to remove it and people can see your work which you know I am a huge fan of.

MichaelVP said...

Aw. Thank you!! That's just perfect! All is great. Keep up the PERFECT work!! It's not a day without Cal. :)