Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I so hate the advertising that is going to surround the Smurfs movie next summer. Every frickin' word in the dictionary will be 'smurfed'. They chose 'WILD THING' for the music in this teaser trailer? Really? That's the best you could come up with? Everything will also be that particular shade of blue (but mixed with the poo I will be collecting to throw at anything painted that color.) Smurfs in the big city? How hopelessly lame. I might just have to start a few theater fires. Remember you heard it here first. GAH and DOUBLE GAH! If ANY of this teasing appeals to you then I am sorry. You are dead to me.

Oh and remember that 'Smurfs' soundtrack you were gonna buy for your precious little snowflakes? Get the ones with the lyrics to 'Wild Thing' by Ton Loc so they can sing along...

"We was all alone and she said "Tone let me tell you one thing
I need $50 to make you holler I get paid to do the wild thing"


Nathan said...

The whole idea looks really smurfing stupid. People need to stop going to see these live-action remakes of cartoons, or Hollywood will just keep cranking them out.

Also, I noticed that the trailer is for "appropriate audiences," even though it's a movie based on a cartoon I started watching when I was three. Are these, like, PG-13 Smurfs all of a sudden?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Well the original cartoon was clearly a hard R rating. At least that is the way I smurfing saw it. You can tell I will really be enjoying all the buildup to this piece of crap.