Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This Is How You Change Opinions

From low expectations to 'must see' in 2 minutes. I may ever give out a "squeeeeee" if you will permit me. I could do without the 'in 3D' but we might have to suffer this trend for awhile people so lets just go with it till the backlash that will come from charging us so much for crappy 3D footage.


The Invisible Seductress said...

He Sabered a damn beer bottle with his HAND!!! If you have read past posted articles of mine you know that I myself have had a fascination to Saber a bottle after seeing it many times on "Three Sheets" it could be a bottle of beer, champagne, water,,, whatever...it's just freaking cool...sigh... I know I am weird..


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I love when I learn these kinds of things about you. You are my kind of girl Seductress. You even know the term for that cap shooting maneuver.

Wings1295 said...

Definitely looks better than I thought it was gonna look!

Tgoette said...

Oh man, this looks like a wild ride. You are right, I wasn't all that jazzed about the film when I heard about it, but the trailer really sizzles! I'm there!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Seems to strike the right tone between action and comedy which may be the exact correct formula for some of these superhero films. I am hoping for something in the vien of 'Kick-Ass' now. And Seth does look fit enough to pull off the role.

Siskoid said...

This means IDW will put out a billionth Green Hornet series with a separate continuity, doesn't it?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That seems like the only property they have doesn't it? Didn't someone just do a version with a female Kato?

Siskoid said...

Well there's a classic Green Hornet, and then there's his son WHO HAS THE EXACT SAME NAME and his female Kato.

But don't ask me which stars in which book.