I was taken aback when someone mentioned to me that I am too concerned with numbers and it's true - I am. I want to be validated and I want someone out there to recognize my blog as being something so good it deserved nomination for one of those big blog prizes - the ones where they fly me to Singapore and ply me with beautiful Asian women until they make me fight to the death on some deserted island armed only with the light from my hotel room's end table. So I am back and I hate you all that keep me from being more than I can be. I will own those 500 followers by New Years and then rub it in all your faces.

Do what you gotta do, Kal.
You seem to be on a path that will take you to places that should not be visited. But as Belle said, do what you gotta do. Hopefully it will culminate in something good.
I hope you know I love you, brother, but still craving validation when you're at 448 followers doesn't sit well with those of us struggling to hit much lower milestones.
Sorry to twist your arms, Cal, but glad to have you back!
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