Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cosplay Of The Week

And this week's winner - Nick Furry


Mike D. said...

Nick Furry! lol
I had a Black cat with one eye when I was younger. His name was PUNK. He was a tough outdoor cat. He never wanted to come inside. He loved rolling around on my feet and for me to hold him like a baby and rub his tummy. But he would not come inside.
The poor fella met his fate when my rotten neighbor kicked him and broke his forepaw. We attempted to save him but he moved around so much...it got gangrenous and we had to have the vet amputate.
Too late for us and poor Punk...he died a week or so later the Gangrene already did it's work.
But that cat...is among my favorites in my lifetime. He was one of the best.

Mike D. said...

oh...my rotten neighbor had a heart attack and died 15 years ago.

DrGoat said...

Karma in action. If my rotten neighbor had done that to my cat, there would have been some instant karma happening.

Kal said...

We had a neighbor who killed our cat. His kid used to go into my garage and after that I shut the door on him and rode away on my bike. Then my Dad kicked the shit out of the neighbor when he came over to complain. Dad loved that cat.

Mike D. said...

I used to call my neighbor "Baseball Bat man" he was a real louse always complaining when we played wiffle ball in the street or catch or hockey...always chasing us away with his crappy wooden little league bat. I caught him shooting pellets at one of our cats and I promptly put a rock trough his Bay window.
He came out to yell and scream and tell my Dad...but I told him he was shooting out cat and had to do something... my Dad completely understood. "He said we already had someone poison and kill one of dogs and we lost a cat already because of you...so pay for your own window."
I vowed to kick his ass when I got older... but he died.
Saved me the trouble ...he was a nasty miserable man.