Friday, September 28, 2012

The First And Last Time I Discuss This Honey Boo Boo Child

This girl is a shaman for our troubled times. She gots that kind of wisdom that you really can't manufacture. No even Stan Lee on his best day could ever come up with the idea of such a family. I am fascinated by her future. What the hell is she ever going to become?
Now if you think she will bottom out somewhere I remind you that she has already done that. But her humble Hillbilly origins are the very idea of the American Dream realized. I swear I can't watch more than five minutes of this show a week but those seconds are a feast for my soul.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

She and RuPaul are going to do a duet apparently. Should be a helluva video!

Kal said...

Are you shitting me. RU TIE HIS STAR TO THIS RAINBOW?? omg That may be the greatest think I have ever heard. I bet Ru looked at Mama and said he could fix that. It would be his greatest illusion.

Mike D. said...

Blechhh...never watched it. Won't ever...ick!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm not shittin' you, Cal. I read it on -- RuPaul adores Honey Boo Boo.

GC said...

I've done well to avoid stumbling mistakenly on TLC while she's on.

Kal said...

I hear ya. I try to get through more of this freakshow but I can't. I just want to see what this cult turns into. She might just be the one to built that Thunderdome I keep taking about. I don't mind calling it the Honey Boo Boo Center if she ponies up the dough.