Saturday, December 29, 2012

Again? What The Hell?

Sometimes you people just break my heart.


Hobgoblin238 said...

Yeah I hate when that happens. I had 16 now I am down to 14. Controversial Thursdays really do strike a nerve...

Kal said...

You just keep speaking your peace, brother, like I will continue to do.

Hobgoblin238 said...

Hey thanks my man!

D.I. Felipe González said...

Eventually, we will all die and we´ll have to stop following someone. Crap.

Kal said...

But if you die suddenly you can't unfollow me. Unfollowing someone on your death bed is pretty cold.

david_b said...

Don't take it personally, sir.

Unless you want to..

Kal said...

I take everything personally because it's all about me, right?

TS Hendrik said...

Wasn't me. I'm still following. Though it seems awhile since you've been by my blog. Mayhap I should check if you're still following me? Perhaps these posts are the guilt riddled rants of a man who's been unfollowing everybody.

Maybe the cephalopod war is just a distraction to keep us from discovering the truth! *GASP* could this blog be the equivalent of Oceania?!

Time will only tell...

Kal said...

I never unfollow anyone. I am too lazy to take the time to do the unfollow. Followers are validation and to remove yourself from some poor bloggers list is a real dickhead move. Even if you never comment on their stuff, it's still not a nice thing to do. The Universe has a way of punishing people who do that. I have removed blogs from my blog list but that is only because they stopped posting content.

Kal said...

Don't worry, nothing can get me down where this blog is concerned. Me am a genius.