Monday, December 3, 2012

First Poster



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

At first I thought it was a poster for "Man of Steel" with Kirk (?) wearing a long coat that looks like a cape from behind, which is the first thing I noticed. The negative space of the Stafleet Arrowhead didn't come to me until later, probably because unlike the negative space for "Dark Knight Rises", the arrowhead takes up most of the poster.

The title "Star Trek Into Darkness" sounds a bit hokey, and yet another sign of trying to be "The Dark Knight" (remember the days when everyone tried to compare their movie to "The Empire Strikes Back"?) But I'll admit I have a soft spot of puns like that and it is better than the "Transformers/Pirates of the Caribbean" kind of colon cancer title I was expecting that we'd get or the lackluster one word subtitles we had with the TNG films.

Kal said...

I know. When I heard that Spock originally died early on in the script I was worried too. I think the character is the villain that Benedict Cumberbatch is playing. Is her Khan? Who knows.

I don't judge the title because they really have to market to the lowest common demoninator if they want to reach the most moviegoers. I can't wait for the digital home revolution to hit the movies like things have gone with the music industry.

I don't always like that system put it's the future.