Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I practically doubled my exercise last month by going for long walks at the Collitcut Center's running track. It was great working up a sweat while listening to the Howard Stern Show. I no longer drink pop of any kind and haven't seen a chip bag in this house for months. I was so hoping to match or surpass my 6 kilo weight loss from last month but for some reason I only lost 1.2. kilos. The doctor reminded me that it could have been worse and I could have gained but that didn't make me feel any better. In terms of my diet and health I am a totally different person than I was last year and I am about ready to see the results of all my hard work. Things already move too slow for me but this weight loss project is moving at a glacial pace. Gah!



Pat Tillett said...

If your health is better, then it's working. Right? Losing weight is not an easy thing to do. So hang in there...

Wings1295 said...

DO NOT just go by the scale! How you are feeling is a major plus. The number went down, even if it was a little. Sometimes your body just needs to adjust and adapt before moving forward. Keep at it, Cal. Every step forward is working and beneficial, even if the number is small.

You WILL do this.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's right -- the body needs a bit of time to readjust your weight on your frame and then you'll start losing poundage again. Don't give up!

Kal said...

Thank you my friends. I have no intention of giving up. I know there is a young Ukrainian girl just waiting for the skinny me.

csmith2884 said...

My weight loss slows then speeds up again for no reason. But walking will build up muscle that is more dense that fat. Just keep going, it works.
Endurance for me is off the chart. Soon I will have lost 200 pounds (193)now. Not carting all that around with me every minute make such a change in everything I do.

Kal said...

I hear ya. I am at that point where I am actually feeling different. Good on ya for your total loss. That is remarkable.

Unknown said...

Sounds very familiar. Hang in there, friend.