Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hey Mr Goat...

Are you illiterate or just a rule breaker?


Nathan said...

I'm guessing both.

DrGoat said...

I resemble that remark. Definitely a rule breaker, but I only read what I want to.

Tempo said...

Have you seen these things climb? I tried to catch one once....once! I sure learned a lesson that day.

Kal said...

Thy run away from you and climb rocks purely out of spite...SPITE!

DrGoat said...

My wife used to call me goatboy 'cause I used to do a lot of climbing here in AZ. Climbed like a goat she used to say. Needless to say, I don't do that anymore. 30 yrs of smoking took care of that.

Kal said...

So you are more a flat land goat than a mountain goat.