Sunday, February 3, 2013

I'm With Grumpy Cat On This One

We of course don't get to see the commercials live since the CRTC blocks them and allocates the commercial time to local businesses like Lou's Lube and Tube who gets this prime advertising spot for pennies on the dollar compared to the American corporate sponsors. I guess it would be nice if they TOLD us that is why they do it but it has more to do with depriving us of something and we Canadians don't like missing out.
It's out secret shame that we have to go to the internet on Monday to see commercials we shouldn't have had to wait 24 hours to see in the first place. A pox on both their houses and all professional sport leagues out there. I couldn't care less.
What do all you jar heads think?


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Grumpy Cat, my team isn't playing, so I don't care either.
And yet, I'm still watching...

Jordan said...

Hey, again.

I loved your Miami Vice review! (And thanks for the shout-outs). I was expecting a much more low-key review based on your comment below, but the review itself was much more heartfelt and enthusiastic, and gives the impression that you liked the movie as much as I did.

I'm delighted (especially having just watched it again). It's one of my favorite movies of the past ten years and I'm always glad to see it getting the respect it deserves...especially from people like you and me who remember and appreciate the original show.

Did you watch the "Director's Cut" (which begins with the speedboats) or the original cut (which begins in the club)?

Kal said...

I was leary to see it at first because I loved the original show so much and most every remake so far and since have been jokes. They make fun of all the things that made them great. I just wanted this to be a good Miami cop story and it was so much better than I could have hoped for. I loved the love story. I love how Sonny wasn't a thug but a thoughful con man who fell in love but in the end found a way to save the mission, the job, the girl and most importantly, his soul. It's beautiful to look at the music is amazing. I choose to believe they actually worried how I personally would react to IN THE AIR TONIGHT so they figured out a way to incorporate that song into the story perfectly. I get that movie. Thanks for sharing it with me.

Now have you seen Legends of the Fall?

Kal said...

Oh and definitely the director's cut. I had to watch the racing boats.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I say we should invade the United States and TAKE their commercials for our own! . . . Oh, sorry, got all worked up by that previous Henry V clip.

Jordan said...

Yeah, I read your review and thought it was excellent, and I pretty much agreed with every word.

Haven't seen Legends of the Fall but I will.

Unknown said...

I am from Baltimore, born and raised. I have to root for the Ravens lest I be shunned by local society.

Kal said...

They really do know if you are a non-believer don't they? It would be like being a mutant in a world of normal people...hey....