Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Not From The Cave Of Cool Bookmobile

I would rather have the retarded know about Doctor Who than your invisible friend in the sky. Better stories come out of Doctor Who than the Bible anyday. Weeping angels I can believe but stuffing every damn animal on the planet into a cruise ship seems stupid to me.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Everytime you mention "The Cave of Cool Bookmobile" I keep picturing a group of women in glasses and bikinis (maybe one in a "Reading is Sexy" T-Shirt) giving the vehicle an overly soapy wash.

Kal said...

Well no one will approached an unwashed bookmobile...then we contribute to iliteracy which I refuse to do.

bliss_infinte said...

Your first sentence is the best response to something like this. Totally cracked me up!

Hobgoblin238 said...


Pat Tillett said...

This one is a classic...

And what if that cruise ship get hits by a rogue wave? Or an iceberg? Would we all be vegans now? What would we sit on while riding a merry go round?

Kal said...

YOU SEE! I feel the exact same way about that stupid Ark story. Ricky Gervais does a great bit in his act using a children's book about Noah and the Ark and it's gutsplittingly funny.

Unknown said...

Semi off-topic, but what is it with retarded children and bad haircuts? Do hairstylists think it's okay to do a shit job on retarded kids because they don't know any better? Or are parents of retarded children giving amateur haircuts at home with the Flowbee because they don't feel their kid understands dignity?