Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oh Triumph, You So Crazy


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The rule of labia majora, eh? Pretty funny but what really made me laugh out loud was "doody-free shopping" and "unsharted waters."

Kal said...

I loved how they kept showing the puppeteer. They did that on that noon time cartoon/puppet show they had on Winnipeg TV when I was a kid - Archie Wood and FRIENDS. They had a mouse puppet named Marvin and he would lipsynch Rinestone Cowboy and the camera men would show the puppeteer/announcer singing along. It was wild.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, I loved Uncle Bob! Archie Wood was kind of repulsive but Marvin Mouse rocked! My favourite episode was when Uncle Bob blew in an envelope while opening a letter on air and his top denture fell out.

Kal said...

Oh when Marvin the mouse taught kids to draw with the marker in his mouth and some kid tried the same thing and the marker went through the roof of his mouth. I think that is what did the show in. But it was cheeper than House of Frightenstein. Another great Winnipeg show. I knew you would know about Archie Wood and Friends. I even have an album of them in my record collection.