Friday, February 8, 2013

Orphan Black Trailer

Orphan Black follows Sarah, a life-long petty con-artist, whose discovery of her dead doppleganger makes her think she’s on the brink of the biggest easy job she’s ever found. But then she uncovers the existence of dozens of women who look just like her living completely different lives around the world, and it turns out that someone is trying to quietly kill them all, including her.


M. D. Jackson said...

Oh, now that looks cool!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Looks intriguing.

I remember during middle school when "clone" was the new buzzword, I wrote a story about an illegal clone on the run. This kind of reminds me of that, I can only hope their version is better developed.

Kal said...

I can see medical corporations cloning people to use their organs when the rich need replacements. The story of someone escaping from their facility would make a good story if you can work out why they would clone complete humans in the first place. If you are just producing organs why does the 'clone' need a head?

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Stories like that have been done in plenty of places, most notable "Clonus" and "The Island", both of which bend over backward trying to explain the whole "grow a full human" bit. Both stories switch tracks when the truth is revealed and ironically, lose their momentum when the chase scenes start.