Wednesday, February 13, 2013


It sucks to find a nice bargain hidden within someones EBay sellers page and then get it stolen from you at the last moment. As we all know there is a special room in Hell for anyone who poaches me like that. I hope the helicopter comes with a cracked window, ya bastard.



david_b said...

BASTARDS, one and all.

Looks like an awesome piece sir..

("..bastards..", he repeats again under his breath..)

Jordan said...

"Where shall I photograph this for eBay?"

"Why, the stove, of course!"

(Especially since it's such a beautiful old stove. Is the stove for sale, too?)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think I still have mine in a box somewhere. (Not the original box.) I can thank my mom for that.

Kal said...

I can thank the Canadian Military for accidently sinking the ship that had my crate on it when we moved to Canada from Germany. So when I see something I used to have I feel the need to replace it into my collection. And then I get poached. That is just cold.

csmith2884 said...

I want the stove too.

Kal said...

I will only buy it from the guy if he demonstrates how it works with the head of the poacher inside it.

Pat Tillett said...

It's pretty cool looking. Likewise the stove.