Saturday, March 2, 2013

Great Way To See A Movie But What Do I Do If I Have To Pee?

December 5, 2012 screening of Life of Pi at the Piscine Pailleron in Paris, France



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I know the local pool used to show swim-in movies like "Jaws" during the '90s.

This looks like it'd be ideal for watching "Lifeboat" too.

Kal said...

I think I would be swinging the paddle at people if things got too intense or someone moved his boat in front of mine.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Is that the pool in Paris that Pi was named after? It might be. Also, I like the fact that everyone is in lifeboats painted with the name of the Japanese tanker that sank and started the whole saga.

Kal said...

See you see the beauty and I see see how impractical this all seems.

Belle said...

Very odd and hard on the back. I think a person should choose: Movie or boating. Make up your mind.