Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A-Z Challenge - J Is For Jovovich, Milla Jovovich

I had seen her performance in Full Moon Junction and Return To The Blue Lagoon but it wasn't until The Fifth Element that I really started to notice Milla Jovovich. Her Leelo was and still is one of my favorite science fiction characters in one of my favorite science fiction films.
My love for Luc Besson has no bounds. He's made some of the coolest movies that also happen to be really cool LOOKING. The visual treat that is The Fifth Element only makes the fact that it's a very cool science fiction movie even better. Milla is a big part and she is dazzling and vulnerable and deadly all in the best ways. Again, it's weird and not for everyone but no one ever accused Milla of letting a goofy script slow her down.

"Leelo Dallas Multipass"

You can count the number of female action stars on one hand and few actresses put as much effort into her training and stuntwork than Milla Jovovich. One of the few real supermodels to make a long career out of acting, she continued to impressed me with The Messenger. Once again it was near impossible to take your eyes off Milla whenever she was on screen. No wonder Luc Beson continued to work with her.

Resident Evil and it's sequels are among my favorite of guilty pleasures. I was never a gamer but the adventures of Alice and her fight against the evil Umbrella Corporation have only improved over time. I know they are often goofy films but I just can't get enough of seeing Milla kick ass and take names. They are mostly zombie names but all of them count.

I can watch this one over and over again. No matter where I come in when I see it on the satellite, I have to watch to the end. For me the adventures of Alice just get better and better. I wish I could have just ONE more movie in the series where they actually explain what the hell is going on. I don't care of course, but it would be nice to be in on the story a bit more. And where are the 100 cloned Alices to fight as one. We got a taste of that a couple of Resident Evil movies ago.

Who else could play the cold, though nimble Countess DeWinter in The Three Muskateers? Her sword work alone is impressive. Plus you get Mads Mikkelson as Rochfort which is a double treat in any muskateer film.


And while she does the movies, she still has the time to look like a supermodel. This is the girl I am taking in my jeep to travel the country when the Zombie Apocalypse begins. She is on my all time all star team with Velociraptor and Hugh Jackman.


The Resident Evil toys are expensive (300 dollars plus) but extremely well made. I wish they put out some Resident Evil figures at a cheaper price. One Milla from each movie with movie specific clothing and weapons.

So here's to Milla. She has been keeping up her skills now for more than a decade. She still delivers kick ass performances and is one of the all time action queens. Few know more than her about creating action in front of the green screen and her stunt work still dazzles. 
Of all the goofy films that I enjoy of her's, none is goofier or more visually splendid than 'Ultraviolet'. It's Resident Evil and The Matrix combined with some kick ass computer visuals including many interesting chase and fight scenes. Just don't ask me to tell you what it's about.


Arkhein said...

I think (memory is fuzzy here,) the first thing I remember her from was Charlie Chaplin.

Michael Lynn P. said...

Chee-kan, Chee-kan good.

I love the Fifth Element. I also really think she is so talented and stunning. I first recall seeing her in Dazed and Confused, and I totally grew my hair out like hers when I was a mess of a teen.

Back in the 90's she also came out with some music too. I only have her first cd, I am not sure exactly how many other albums she released, but she is a great singer and that first cd is one of my favorites.

Dr. Theda said...

We started to make our "A-Z' post On You good Sir Kal.... Thought that it might boost your spirits.... But since we have to post on "monsters And Horror" ...(I did "J" on my hero ...the "Joker"...)Wish you a Great one anyway ...the Doctor

Timothy S. Brannan said...

I "noticed" her in the resident Evil movies first. But I loved The Fifth Element.

She can also sing and is surprisingly good.

I'll watch her in just about anything.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

She is the best Joan of Arc ever, no doubt about it.