Saturday, April 6, 2013

Gigantics - Greatest Model Kit's EVER?



I have to thank Hobgoblin over at The Monster Cafe for reminding me that these great models existed. He has completed ones on display at his great themed restaurant in Saltillo, Mexico. I am happy to say that I have contributed several fine pieces to his ever growing collection.
I built many models in my day, none of them well but I remember doing the Mantis while trapped in Pinnawa Manitoba for a month one summer. Finding it on a dusty shelf at the local drugstore was a gift from the gods.
That was the same summer I had to take swimming lessons that basically consisted of swimming out to a floating deck in the middle of a cold lake and then back to shore. If you survived everyday you could go home and come back the next day to do it all over again. There was also the added bonus of abuse heaped upon you by some stupid lifeguard in a canoe. In all that month I never saw the guy swim once. I knew he wasn't going to save me so I had to learn how to save myself.


Dr. Theda said...

Really Cool post good Sir Kal,.... We like tish one ...had the original kits of these ... And "Monster Cafe" had just post on these... I gave My Tarantula and wasp to my 10th grade Biology teacher...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Pinawa is where boys become men.

Kal said...

Or become radiated. They have a nuclear reactor at that town. In the middle of nowhere. It's Stepford, only the MANITOBA version.

Hobgoblin238 said...

Thanks for the shoutout Cal! I will return the favor one day!