Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I Don't Know - What Do You Think Of These Character Designs?



Timothy S. Brannan said...

I am looking forward to this movie, but I am not sure I can buy Johnny Depp as Tonto. He is a great actor and I have a lot of respect for him but Tonto? I am not sure I see it.

M. D. Jackson said...

I can buy Johnny Depp as Tonto. I can't take the movie seriously, of course, but I'll buy it. Armie Hammer, though? Is that a real name? Who is this guy? Does he have the chops to carry off this movie or will this be, as I suspect, Johnny's show?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Seems like it's taking forever for this movie to open. Usually that indicates problems!

DrGoat said...

If they wanted to make the Tonto character ridiculous, they succeeded. In appearance anyway. I like Johnny Depp most of the time, but this doesn't work for me. I guess since I was raised with the TV show, I have a hard time with this one.

Kal said...

Amie Hammer is a stupid name. It's like Dick Army. When your name is that bad you change it.

Cora said...

I can't wait. That's all there is to it.

Jordan said...

Armie Hammer played the twin brothers in The Social Network. He's great; it's really good casting.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

Looks great, can't wait!