Monday, April 15, 2013

Riddle Me This

The date on the picture is June 68. I was born in June 65. That's 3 years. This picture is from my THIRD birthday. Then why are there FOUR candles on the cake?? I will never know the answer, will I because that's the way things go when there is a conspiracy involved. Everyone who knows the truth is either dead or crazy.



DrGoat said...

One to grow on? Or maybe that wasn't a candle at all.

Kal said...

It was a soviety microphone. And someone named OLGA did take it away as the cake was being cut. I had never seen her before but no one questioned her prescence.

Damn, that's just GOOD writing.

D.I. Felipe González said...

One for the fallen? Nah.
I can think of more mundane explanations like:
Candles came in packages of four items (and no candle is left behind).
Somebody with a phobia to asymmetry arranged your cake.
Young Kal wanted to appear older in the picture.
And so on...
BTW, I was born on june 68.

bliss_infinte said...

The truth is out there...

Cora said...

Awwwwww, look at you! What a cutie!

david_b said...

"You were THREE, who really thought you'd care at that age..?"

Naaaah, just messin' with you.., it's DEFINITELY a conspiracy. Put your aluminum-foiled helmet back on, sir.

david_b said...

BTW, you're still a kid. I was born in May of '63..

GC said...

I go with your Olga hypothesis.

Of course, chances are the fourth candle is for what DrGoat thinks.

Dr. Theda said...

Hello "David_B"... I am also May of 1963... Cool

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Clearly the Soviet Revisionists have been tampering with your personal data. You're really a year older than you think you are.

Mike D. said...

My Mom has a tradition and although my Mom does this doe not mean your Mom has...But in every occasion for everyone no matter how old she always and only uses 4 candles...they represent the four ends of a cross ( We're Catholics ) and those four ends stand for
"Health,Wealth,Happiness and Good luck"
It may not be true in your case...but it's a lead right?

david_b said...

Mikey, that's a pretty cool tradition, never heard that (and I grew up Catholic..).

Kal said...

You are all wrong. I just asked my mother and she laughed and said 'maybe I forgot how old you were'. NICE.

Mike D. said...

lol it's my Mom's's not a Catholic tradition. We also use a chromed out WWII bayonet ( It was my Grandfather's ) to cut the cake for Weddings and Birthdays and so on...wherever cake is appropriate during special occasions...another of my Mon's deals. lol

Nathan said...

Maybe it's just for the sake of symmetry.

Kal said...

Am I a year older than I think I am?

Cora said...

Mommy brain. Sometimes it ain't pretty.

M. D. Jackson said...

Uh... when did your parents get married? Was it the year before you were born? Not that I'm trying to add fuel to the conspiracy fire but if your birthday being in 65 was a "convenient fiction" in order to obfuscate the order in which certain events took place -- events which, in polite society, should take place in a certain order and NOT before -- then the four candles might have meant that your mother didn't forget how old you actually were, but how old it was "necessary" for you to be in order to avoid certain social embarrassment... if you get what I'm saying.

Face it, Cal, there is a strong possibility that your whole life has been one big lie to cover up a youthful indiscretion.

...or maybe I'm... you know... just talkin' outta my ass? I ramble on sometimes... just ignore my maniac ravings... what do I know?

Mike D. said...

That is the image of a 3 year old...4 year olds look a lot like 5 year olds until they're 6...then when they turn 7 they look 8 already until they're the time they're 9 they look 10 until they're 12...then puberty hits. Take into consideration time spent in the maturation process in the womb...
Then again...I too could be talkin' outta my ass as well.

Kal said...

My parents had to get married because my Dad did the right thing. I was born six months later in June 65. They were married January 29th 1965. The math works but that candle still freaks me out. Did they store me for a year in cryogenics to save me for some future mission. Or was I too smart for my peers so they said I was older to accellerate my education. That means I graduated high school at 16. Maybe at three I was sent on a mission in in Enders Game...then they mind wiped me. BASTARDS!