Tuesday, April 9, 2013

They All Deserve Their Love To Be Formally Recognized By The State - America

Of course I live in a country where Universal Marriage has been the law since 2006. So why don't you just get on to that and then you can go back to the shooting that ya'll enjoy so much. I love how many many of your lawmakers suddenly have seen the light and now 'evolved' on this issue. I know I should just shut up and take the win but dammit, anyone who can flip flop his point of view that quickly doesn't really believe what he is saying, now does he? It that a vote you can really trust? I am sure for enough money he can be encouraged to change his vote back again. But this is all a distraction. The 'gift' to the left that should never be a problem in the first place.


Cora said...

Sometimes I think we should just draw a line down the center of America, like my mom did in the bedroom I had to share with my annoying little sister, and move all the Republicans to one side and the Democrats to the other and make it two countries. I think that's the only way any progress will ever be made.

Kal said...

You know the rebublicans, especially the married ones, would be trying to cross over the fence to get as some of that sweet man on man love. Plus I don't like leaving one side with all the guns. After they tire of shooting each other they will start driving our way. And plus they would vacation in the best parts of Sane America (that is what I call it) and mess it up, stupid hillbillies.