Thursday, April 11, 2013

This Story Makes Me Sick

Prime Minister Stephen Harper says as a father he is "sickened" by the alleged events that led to the death of 17-year-old Rehtaeh Parsons.

Rehtaeh was taken off life support and died Sunday following a suicide attempt after she was allegedly bullied for months.

Her mother, Leah Parsons, alleges Rehtaeh was raped by four boys who took photos of the incident, which she says sparked bullying and harassment.

Why are the boys never 'snubbed' or cyber-bullied. I have a special hatred for these kind of stories where someone has to die because her pain is so great. If there is a picture circulating of the 'event' and evidence of bullying and harassment then there is a lot that police should be able to do but never do. The school is also complicit in Rehtaeh's death because they did nothing about the bullying as they rarely do. I have personally experienced the cowardice of administrations who would rather see the girls in fear than make the boys accountable.
We had a kid who was getting away with pulling girls into the male bathroom and pulling up girl's shirts. This was a junior high school. The administration was terrified to take this to the parents because it was a he said/she said situation with all the 'SHE'S' being scared of saying anything. Only after we convinced the girls that standing together was the only way to end this torment that things changed. Well that and the fact that me and five other male teachers pulled the offender into a room one day and scared him to the point that he peed his pants.
I am not proud of what I was a part of but the punk wasn't physically harmed. But I know for a fact he never touched another girl in a school that we taught in ever again. He was convinced that if he did that we had no problem with turning him into a missing person. Would I have taken it that far? Who knows. If Rehtaeh was my child there certainly would be four 'suspects' living in fear to this day.


Hobgoblin238 said...

Makes me wish I could infiltrate high schools...I would be beating the crap out of these kids.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The police and the schools definitely fell down on the job in this case. They should all be ashamed of themselves.

Kal said...

Ashamed is not the word I would used. Complicit is my choice.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Anonymous has the names of the four boys involved in the rape.

This is sad and disgusting and it makes me sick to my stomach.

Chase March said...

I complete agree. I had a few instances of cyber-bullying this year and they weren't dealt with heavy-handedly. I took it very serious but unfortunately not much was done.

It's not right. I don't know what else to do. And it bugs me. A lot.