Monday, April 8, 2013

What Did You Think?


Timothy S. Brannan said...

Slow at the start, but I rather liked it.

Looking forward to learning more about Clara!

M. D. Jackson said...

About twenty minutes in I was thinking that this episode was kind of lame, but they pulled it up at the end.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Its what I like to call "The Cantina Episode", along the same lines as NewWho episodes like "End of the World" or "The Beast Below" were we blow the budget on lots of alien makeup and an exotic set in order to hook viewers with such a vast visual scope.

The idea of using valuable possessions as currency didn't make much sense to me as it seems like it would be difficult to determine the value of an object given to you by a stranger, and make for an easy way to scam people.

If they had made it some sort of mind reading memory exchange bit as an establishment of trust and openness between seller and consumer that might have made more sense, especially for developing Clara's character, have her demand the Doctor "pay" because she's afraid of exposing or losing some memory about her mother that she's become callous about over all these years.