Thursday, June 20, 2013

Well He's Got My Vote

Citizens in Xalapa, Mexico have quite a decision to make on July 7, when they cast their vote for a new mayor. One of their choices is a cat who vows to 'rid the city of rats.' Literally, but also in the sense of corrupt politicians. In response to politics as usual, two students in the eastern Mexican city have nominated a cat named Morris for mayor.

If elected, they say Morris will eat, sleep, yawn and continue other cat activities as usual, which is what makes him a good candidate. If Facebook likes are any indicator of popularity, then Morris is actually the lead in the race - by a lot. As of Saturday evening, Candigato Morris has over 70,000 likes, crushing the human frontrunner Americo Zuñiga's 30,000.


D.I. Felipe González said...

I´d vote for him too, but Xalapa is a different state than I.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What's up with this trend lately of cats running in mayoralty races? Hey, Mandel is retiring in Edmonton. Maybe HRH should run for mayor here!

Kal said...

If She did it would put Edmonton on the map and finally get those potholes fixed.

Nathan said...

The Pied Piper promised the same thing, and you know what happened with him. Of course, that was after they didn't pay him.