Monday, July 1, 2013

Canada Day Special - Favorite Costumes In Comic Books - Number 9 - Guardian

Sometimes for me, the simplest suit is the best and Guardian from Alpha Flight (Canada's premiere superhero team) is the perfect example of that. Just wrap him in the Canadian flag and we all understand where he comes from and who he represents. Not to be confused with Captain Canuck, all of Guardian's powers come from the suit he invented. It's for that reason that many others, such as his wife Heather, have wore the costume and assumed the leadership of Alpha Flight.
Guardian (James "Mac" MacDonald Hudson, Jr.), also known as Weapon Alpha and Vindicator, is a fictional character, a Canadian superhero in the Marvel Comics Universe who was the leader of Alpha Flight. He was created by Canadian artist John Byrne, and first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #109 which was co-plotted by Byrne and his long-time collaborator Chris Claremont. He was designed to be the Canadian equivalent of Captain America, hence his costume markings are modeled after the Canadian flag.

His first appearance was to bring Wolverine back to Alpha Flight. Logan was a member of the team before he joined the X-men and it was McKenzie who found Logan wild in the wilderness of Canada when Wolverine first was given his adamantium skeleton. For that reason many members of Alpha Flight are like family to Wolverine.
The visual spectacular cover for X-Men  #109 was redone here for issue # 17 of Alpha Flight's own run through the 80s. As a Canadian kid is was fun to have our own heroes - and cool looking heroes to boot.



j-swin said...

i always thought heather looked better in the suit

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good choice for Canada Day!

M. D. Jackson said...

I agree with j-swin. I loved the costume design but i thought it looked better on Hudson's wife.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

As far as a "Captain Nation" type character goes, Guardian's costume is remarkably subtle. Then again, it probably has to be given how the jagged edges of the leaf could easier be lost in a busier design. Even in some of these pictures it can be hard to pick out the shape when there are too many black muscle lines compete with the chromatic red of the actual costume.