Saturday, July 6, 2013

Daily Reminder - They Climb The Mountains to Attack From Above

“A dead octopus has sparked a bizarre mystery after being found at the top of England’s highest peak – 3130ft above sea level. The body of the common cephalopod was lying close to the summit of the appropriately named Scafell Pike, in Cumbria. There were no clues as to how the recently-deceased sea creature landed at the spot. One theory is that it was dropped by a bird after being scooped up from the nearby Irish Sea.”



M. D. Jackson said...

Japanese Tourist dropped it from a bento box?

profsafety said...


It was dropped out of its hover craft, because it’s fusion reactor malfunctioned. Pure evil!

Mike D. said...

It was a bird

Kal said...

Thanks Profsafety. Finally someone is seeing things my way.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, they have their ways.