Monday, July 1, 2013

Drink This Beer Or Drink Your Own Urine?

I know a person who is classy is every other way but in the way she chooses her beer. These brands remind me of Pilsner or Club or any of the other rotten cans of skunk water that they sell cheap at the liquor store. I am not a beer guy but I know good beer from bad. Or am I totally wrong about these brands? Someone educate a brother. I hate to think that a good Canadian Girl would have to stoop so low just to get her lake buzz on.



M. D. Jackson said...

I've never heard of those beers before but apparently they are Eastern craft beers. Muskoka is a smaller brewery. I'm intrigued enough to try them and I'm a bit of a beer connoisseur.

Although I'd rather drink it out of a bottle than a can, but that's a bit of a personal bias.

Not having tried them I'd still venture to say that these were a bit above the Pilsner or Club level of beers.

Kal said...

She said the exact same thing. They are craft beers. Thank god. Remember BEER BEER?