Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I Am Sorry Cindy, I Can't Hear A Word You Are Saying...

BECAUSE OF THAT ENORMOUS GROWTH ON YOUR FACE THAT IS DISTRACTING ME! You are on TELEVSION so do something about that 'thing' will ya? Freeze it and cut it off or find some squirrel to chew whatever it is down to your cheek.

At first I thought it was an earing but no, it's not an earing. AAAAAAAAAAAA. Why doesn't she just rip that deformity off her face? Why keep looking at that growth day after day? That is the sign from the Lord that we all need to take some heavy sticks and beat this poor wicked creature to death. Says so in the bible and I heard it from Jeebus himself. In Medieval times they would have taken care of this witch right quick.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Gimme a pair of scissors -- I'll do it for her!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Gimme a pair of scissors -- I'll do it for her!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

In fact, I'll do it twice, apparently.

Mike D. said...
