Sunday, July 14, 2013

I Feel The Same Way About Florida And It's Justice System Today, Lisa

I guess now that George Zimmerman is free it's open season on all black youth that buy Skittles.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, pretty sad verdict.

david_b said...

Soooorry, I'm loyally going to go the opposite direction. No surprise.

I was gratified that Zimmerman was exonerated. Self-defense is self-defense.

The entire case stunk from the get-go. This has NOTHING to do with civil rights. It's about ones basic right to defend.

Rachel Geantel..?? Seriously, that's the best witness the prosecution could dream up..? So, 'White Cracker' isn't a raciest remark. Too funny.

Hate to add this but frankly, 'Don't always suck up to the masses, sir..'.

notaleftie said...

"open season"...really?? Typical stupid leftie comment is a huge turn off from your fine blog. Pretty dumb there Cal.

david_b said...


'Ya get used to it after a while'.

Cal's pretty cool otherwise, luckily he's also easy to rile up.

Yes he's just a lefty.

Kal said...

Kind of proud to be on the right side no matter how much that makes me a 'lefty'. Enjoy the darkness and your justice.

david_b said...

Actuallllly, you're on the 'left side of justice'.

Simply put, this prosecution tried to push an agenda the facts didn't support. Even the Law can't grovel to the left THAT much.

Agenda pushing..? Sounds familiar.

Unknown said...

They're the victims, Cal. Fox News has told them so. Cause, you know, pursuing an unarmed youth after being told not to by police and then shooting him is definitely self defense.