Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Illustration by Coles Phillips, 1927



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Ah! Classing up the joint with some classic Golden Age Illustration artwork, complete with name and date!

Coles Phillips was one of my favorites when I was in college. I'd like to believe I've been rubbing off on you, but I don't think I've shared any of her work with you before.

Kal said...

I thought I owned it to the artists to do these single posts of some of my favorite pieces...like my Klimpt ect.

Kal said...

When you talk like that I know you should be blogging more. I would love that I inspired you to do a post about art from the time period of Phillips. You know a lot of cool things.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Batty but stylish!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I'm working on some more blogging right now with my latest "League" post about "Firsts". I'm currently editing my anecdotes on "First Job" and "First Love". Both are kind of long and involved.

I used to do a series of image posts that you likely inspired. I'm thinking of starting that up again soon.
