Thursday, July 4, 2013

Latest Me Meme - 10 More Things To Learn About Me

21: Shoe size

10 1/2 - and for those ladies who think there is a correlation between shoe size and penis size when I am here to tell you that I throw the curve right out the window on that graph.
22: Eye color

Blue within Blue

23: Hair color

reddish blond with white and golden streaks.

24: Favourite style of clothing

I like a nice pilot's jumpsuit with all the accessories you can add including a sweet bubble helmet. I would love to be a slender fellow so I could wear stuff like this. From last year's Prada fashion show.

25:Ever done a prank call?
What kind of dumb question is that? In my day you could prank call the radio station after midnight on a Friday night and they could NEVER trace the call. We were GODS back then I tell ya...GODS
27: Meaning behind my URL

I have always cared about my living space. My room was always a museum/showcase for everything I owned and told the story of my life. Sports medals, school certificates, art, posters, souvenirs, action figures, toy soldiers, and since I was 12 my own pink phone and 13 inch black and white TV. My dad would come down to my room in the basement often and ask what was new in the 'Cave of Cool' and it's how we connected. He was always curious about me and my life and what toys I added to the collection. Then I would tell him how the toy he bought me on a birthday or Christmas fit into my collection. He would also come downstairs to watch TV when he got overruled by my sister and mother. That was always fun in the summer because he could easily be talked into taking a carload of my buddies to the drive-in in Brandon - less than a half hour from the base in Shilo. Damn I miss that man.

28: Favourite movie

No competition here. By favorite movie I am defining it as a film that reached into my soul and destroyed me with it's story. There have been many movies that have come close to making me feel as I did when I watched 'Legends of the Fall' one snowy Christmas weekend. The family was snowed in in another province so I was alone and I watched this film. How I love the heartbreak of this family. How we all knew that Samuel was the best of them all and how Tristan broke every rule of God and man and they still all loved him more. And what can I say about Albert, the older brother who could never be the man any of the other males in his life were. GAH, don't get me started on what role the women in this picture bring to the tale. Good lord, Elizabeth 2 - still breaks my heart to think about it.

There is a scene in this movie where Tristan comes home after many years leading  a herd of wild horses back to his family homestead. Wow. That moment alone gives Brad Pitt a lifetime pass from me. He can make any kind of shit he wants and I will never put him down for anything. He gave me Tristan...who it's impossible not to love and grieve for. It's Brad Pitt's best role and I will fight any man who says otherwise.

I would name a child Tristan because of this movie. Hell I would name him Tristan just for this scene. It contains spoilers so don't watch if you haven't seen the movie yet - MD I am talking to you.

29: Favourite song

I have so many that it's impossible to just pick one. Some artists put out a great song but then produce a crappy video so that takes them out of the running. For me song/video are strong components of any choice this important. But all that thinking was giving me a headache. So then I just decided to go with songs I have sung at Karaoke.

One song which breaks my heart it 'Running Up That Hill' the Kate Bush classic done by Placebo. It's fantastic how the band solicited vid clips from fans and edited together this trailer. I see the pain of love and loss on all their faces. Some, like me will never be fixed of that look or feeling.

30. Celebrity Crush


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I confess I haven't seen "Legends" either. I would have been about five of six when this came out, so you can see how I might have missed its original theatrical run. You seem passionate enough about it that I'll move it to the top of my to-see list.

profsafety said...

You are totally right about the prank/crank phone calls. Back then, you couldn't be (or very, very hard to be) traced. It was a free for all.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, yes, the Starlight Drive-In. Wasn't that what it was called?