Friday, July 12, 2013

'Lovelace' Trailer

Amanda Seyfried has always been a favorite around the Cave of Cool. I have put up with a lot of crappy movies she's been in just to watch her. I am happy to see that she finally got herself an Oscar calibre role that is up to her abilities as an actress.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

There was a rumor circulating for some time that Amanda Seyfried would play Blink in a new X-Men movie, but it seems unlikely that such a big name at this stage in her career would take on such a small character.

The trailer has been interested if only because I'm fascinated how they were able to put a 70s filter on in the actual film, and yet its more subtle that the kind of filter in any of the Robert Rodriquez' "Grindhouse" type movies.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This has the potential to be a profound and instructive film. I hope they don't, you should pardon the expression, blow it.

Unknown said...

No wasn't several other actress up for this role? Regardless there choice of Amanda Seyfried looks to be the best one.

Michael Lynn P. said...

So excited for this film. Really glad you posted this, I had no idea the trailer was even ready. It feels like it has taken forever for this film to get released. It has a really fantastic cast too. Can't wait!