Saturday, July 20, 2013

Massive Weekend Image Blizzard











Erik Johnson Illustrator said...


* If not for Misty and her friend in black I never would have thought of suspenders as sexy.

* Bee women from outer space? I'd gladly fall into that honeytrap.

* Speaking of which, if this astronaut lady is leaving Earth I want to go with her.

* Marie Doll Returns!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Are those Bee Women aliens threatening Mr Darcy? Oh no!

D.I. Felipe González said...

I so wish I had a Federation Academy ring!
I also had a suitcase record player, but mine was orange colored.

Kal said...

That ring only cost me 20 dollars on ebay. It's the older one they made a few years ago but the box it comes in is very cool.

profsafety said...

Those ants don't stand a chance against Spock.