Tuesday, July 23, 2013

More Best Of Riddle Cosplay


I could post about ten more characters that Riddle has done to perfection but you can just do the Google if you are interested. I know not everyone likes these cosplay posts but I am just is such admiration of the designers that come close to live action heroes - which should be the goal of every cosplayer who takes their craft seriously. It's like having a great Halloween costume that you like to wear and that you look good in. When did you ever have that. I am currently thinking of a character I could do which I could also do well enough to not look like a goober.
SDCC 2013

The old school Wasp is totally great. I love the way she went against the urge to sex her up and stuck to the literal comic page costume. And sexy Star Trek Ensign? That is a no brainer.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I don't know if I'm as much of a cosplay fan as you. (Actually I don't know if anyone could ever be a big as fan as you) But I do enjoy seeing people work out so many fine details in real life. I think thats why I enjoy Power Rangers so much. Its superhero style aesthetics that have to operate in the real world.

I'm with you 100% on old school wasp. Even though I read the Silver Age Avengers reprints religiously as a kid, I never really dug the old Wasp look until now when you see that even with the bullet helmet that it completely works!

Kal said...

Because a wasp has a bullet shaped head. I also like the big microphone just like in comic. It's the little things that make all the difference with Cosplay.

profsafety said...

Riddle is one of my favorites. Love her Star Trek.