Monday, July 22, 2013

Selena Gomez Admits Justin Bieber Relationship Was Stressful

Check out this great MSN video: Selena Gomez Admits Justin Bieber Relationship Was Stressful

Well no shit. He's an idiot.



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I imagine any relationship that falls under so much public scrutiny is bound to be stressful.

Kal said...

Especially with the most popular boy in the world - for some reason she likes him. What am I suppose to do. I have to let her see what an idiot he is and she will eventually. He is an easy idiot to be around because he doesn't dare fuck up around her. She has all the power in that relationship. And he should believe he'll never do better than her...when he's singing on cruise ships in five years.

Kal said...

If Allah be willing.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

first time she dated a girl with a penis..well i mean he is a dick. stressful agreed.

Kal said...

His day is coming. We just all have to wait for it to happen. She's just delaying the inevitable a little bit but we will enjoy his fall just as much as we hated his rise.

Mike D. said...

he's become a douche she deserves better. He's just going to become more of a stuck up punk 10 times worse than he is now.

He deservers no happiness Selena deserves someone who will treat her like the true Queen of the angels she is.
