Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Someone Pissed Yukio Off But Good

A rare vintage photograph of an onna-bugeisha, one of the female warriors of the upper social classes in feudal Japan.


profsafety said...

Is that a mini noose she's holding?

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

looks pretty serious!

M. D. Jackson said...


Anonymous said...

Those look like hand cuffs of some sort,or some kind of torture device.I like the fact that in between sheathing her sword and equipping her armor, she still found time to put nice little flowers in her hair.

Peter M. said...

It's not her fault. She has bitchy resting face. Look it up on youtube.

Kal said...

It's a lot of work for a Japanese warrior to get fully armored so for her to go through the trouble. That would be one ugly feud or disgrace.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Now that's my kinda gal!