Tuesday, July 23, 2013

This Just Doesn't Looks Safe Or Hygenic



DrGoat said...

Ahh hot dogs. The only road food there is.

DrGoat said...

PS That guy is really into hot dogs.

Kal said...

Can't he stop at a place that makes them or is he driving in the country? Now craving a hot dog in the back 40 is a real thing.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

And here I thought I was being risking by getting an ice cream and the drive thru and licking it while I drove.

profsafety said...

I wonder what a contraption like that would do to your car insurance rate. If texting while driving is dangerous, I think this is even worse. I for one give more attention to a good hot dog, over a text.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What's next -- nachos?