Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tuesday Image Blizzard










Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

You know, you often say "If you remember this then you are my people" and it'll accompany of photo of something that was before my time, well it looks like time has finally come back to haunt me because I distinctly remember the colorful wrappers on these Memorox tapes that I had as a kid. I used them all the time to record the radio plays that the local station would run on the weekends.

Looks like my state may be one of the safer ones. I'm pretty sure I can handle a clock in the wall.

Adam West Batman Costume. Love It! The man survived a shark bite long enough to employ working "shark repellent" that he actually invented for just such a purpose. Thats the kind of crazy awesome that makes James Bond, Mr. T and Chuck Norris weep with envy!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Is it Live or is it Memorex?